The correspondence of Apartment 5402 in exile


Sunday, December 07, 2008

friends 4eva


It's Sunday afternoon and I just got home from the laundromat, which I suppose is a suitable place to think about loneliness, if not friendship. While loneliness might be a state of mind, as per Julia's post, I think that people seek out friends not only to combat loneliness, but also to avoid looking lonely. Because even more than people don't want to actually be alone, people don't want to appear friendless. It's why even for me, who likes to be alone, it's hard to eat out as a party of one, or admit to staying in a weekend night yet again.

It's funny, I have this vision of myself as a loner, but when I look back now, there were only a few years of my life where I actually was a loner, and they were all when I was a sad little gay in high school. Since then there was you guys in college and living with Michelle for the past two years and I guess I kind of have to abandon that descriptor now. Of course living with a significant other is kind of a cop-out. You always have a friend with you, even when you move to a new place or are abandoned by your group of catty girlfriends (about that? I'm with you Alex, I don't think I've ever seen that trope in action), the flip-side being that you can go through life never seeking out new friends because you already have one. I understand how people end up abandoning all of their friends when they get a new boy/girlfriend - when it feels for the moment like all of your social needs are being met by the one person - but for me actively seeking outside friendships has only resulted in good things for my relationship and my own mental health within the relationship.

As a result of my active decision to seek friends, my friend-making is one ability I think I've improved in myself in the last year or so (adulthood!). I totally agree with you, Alex, that making friends takes lots of effort, (so much chatting! so much doing things out when you'd rather be on your couch reading!), but funnily enough the effort is usually expended on the ones who aren't going to work out. I mean, who wants a friend who takes that much effort? It's the weeding out that ends up being difficult, because the ones you'll end up real friends with are the ones who are easy to be with. I would not have been wandering down to your room in Max to play with your cellphone first year if you hadn't been easy for me to be around. We gravitate toward the people with whom it is easy to be. I suppose some people like a combative or anxious friendship, but comfort is one of my priorities in life, and I prefer my friends to come that way.

Ease of togetherness is one of the reasons I think our third year was a really ideal friendship situation for me. That's not to say the four of us always got along, or there was never tension about one thing or another. I've glossed over a lot of that in hindsight, but even without any glossing there was a level of comfort in being together that is markedly different from the happy hours and witty gatherings Alex described. An added bonus is the network Rita was talking about. Another added bonus was Beatrice. And Buffy.

Like Alex and Julia, most of my close friends now are girls. The only time in my life when the majority of my friends were been male was in high school. This pretty much means that it is possible, at least for me, to be friends with members of the gender to which I am attracted. There's also not much of a difference between my friendships with straight and gay women. I have never had much of a romantic interest in someone who was already a friend. The one time in my life I had mostly male friends was when I was coming to terms with my sexuality. I don't really remember, but it would make sense that that was one time I would have been less comfortable in friendships with women.

Time to put away the laundry.


p.s. Is anyone else addicted to the puppy cam?


Blogger Sophie said...

did you just use the term "gay women?" i thought we agreed that that is off-limits.

Blogger Julia said...

I think that's very true - that the people who end up being our good friends are easy to make friends with in the first place. Whenever I've spent considerable amounts of time trying to get someone to be my friend (and I admit this is extremely rare) it never works.

Now I can stop trying altogether! Excellent!

Blogger Becky said...

Soph: Do you prefer gay ladies?

Julia: Right? I guess that makes you all easy!

Blogger Alex said...

While I appreciate the sentiment, Becky, I think you came to my room to chat with a certain suitemate. Once she lost her mind, I had to start going upstairs.
But third year was so fun! I loved coming home at night and barging into your room half-drunk and chatting. We tried to do that with Rita the next year, and she was less receptive. (Although that is how Kappa Alpha Sigma (Nu) was born.)

Blogger Miss Self-Important said...

But aren't there some people who are just easy to friend generally, and if we follow your rule of assortative friending, wouldn't these people winding up making all the friends b/c they make themselves easy to be around while the difficult people would have no friends? Poor difficult people.

I googled the puppy cam and am now watching.

Blogger Becky said...

I totally came up to visit you, at least the way I remember it now.

And Alex, I'm so glad you think third year was so fun! I was getting all nostalgic about it, and then I was worried that maybe it was only that great in my memory? But I think it really was that great.

Blogger Julia said...

What, Becky, does this mean you didn't enjoy second year? When all we did was hide out in our room, watch the West Wing and eat massive amounts of danish at Pierce? You didn't enjoy that? I am wounded.

Blogger Alex said...

You guys were kind of depressed second year...

Blogger Alex said...

Also, I have in the past spent time trying to make someone be my friend and it's sometimes worth it. Sometimes people get along well but their social circles/activities are not similar, in which case, you have to make an effort.

Blogger Becky said...

OMG Julia that's exactly how I remember second year! We moped in our giant room in the Shoreland and watched The West Wing and hid from certain other people we lived with. We were kind of depressed (depressing?) but I remember it fondly. I had forgotten the danish until now though. And all our conversations about the plural of danish.

Blogger Alex said...

Also, I LOVE the puppy cam!

Blogger Julia said...

I remember it fondly as well, for some reason. The danish was certainly good. Also, I think that maybe CRL, soul-sucking place that it was, can be partly blamed for our depression.

Blogger Becky said...

CRL! I had totally wiped that place from my mind. Lisa was pretty depressing.

Blogger Miss Self-Important said...

I also remember hauling Mr. Mohammed to your room a lot and passing through the lobby of Michelson while the lounge committee stared at me intently and spoke to one another in Latin. I also remember a certain annoying person always laying on your bed and whining, Julia, and my wondering how he had insinuated himself into our clique and when he would leave. And Katie visited. You guys had all this drama that year.


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